7 essential internet security awareness training topics you should be aware about for 2022

Today human error plays a huge role in 95% of the cybersecurity breach issues. Monitoring and managing the employee cyber risk is crucial for every business to guard business and employee data in the long run; this is a part of a demonstration of regulatory compliance.

One of the essential tools of robust human risk management is the security awareness that guides the end-users in identifying and dealing with the latest threats.

This guide has developed some core areas you should know about security awareness in 2022.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are one of the significant sources of attack for cybercriminals. These were already twice in an amount in 2020, but again experienced a steady increase in the entire year of 2021. This made remote working a problem for businesses as they had to ensure users weren’t becoming victims.

For instance, BEC, Business email compromise, is a common type of phishing that does backhand research on a particular individual like a senior manager – to form an attack that can be hard to distinguish from an actual email. Today employees must be given regular training on identifying phishing attacks and reporting them when they’ve been targeted.

Authentication and Passwords 

This pervasive but often ignored element significantly strengthens the company’s security. Usually, the common passwords are guessed by malicious criminals, and they get access to your accounts. Employees make it easy for cybercriminals to access their accounts by opting for simple passwords and having easy patterns. Once the data is stolen, it is made public and sold to earn a profit on some platforms.

Implementing some unique combination of passwords makes it difficult for cybercriminals to access your accounts. Moreover, tools like two-factor authentication provide additional security that protects the account’s integrity.

Public wi-fi

Post pandemic, some employees are required to work remotely, which means working on the go and traveling on trains at times, and this means you need to have safety training on using public wi-fi services.

Vulnerable public wi-fi networks found in coffee shops as free often expose the end users to entering data into specific non-public servers, which can be harmful. Training your employees on using these public forums safely and educating them about potential signs of spotting a scam can minimize the risk companies face and increase awareness.

Physical Security

If you are that person who leaves passwords on sticky notes or chits on the desk, you must throw them right away. Today, most attacks occur via digital mediums, but ensuring your physical documents are safe is essential for your company’s integrity.

Providing everyday awareness regarding unattended computers, leaving documents on the desk, and passwords on the chits can minimize the security risk. Moreover, companies also implement the ‘clean desk’ policy, which will reduce the threat of unattended documents being misplaced.

Social Media Use

In this digital part, a large amount of our daily life is shared on social media, whether work, events, or holidays. However, because of this oversharing, our sensitive information can be readily available to cyber criminals and can be compromised.

It is essential to educate the employee on strengthening their privacy settings on social media platforms and avoid spreading public information about their companies on such platforms.

Cloud Security

Cloud computing has completely transformed how data is kept and retrieved in enterprises. These digital applications are transforming businesses, but because private information is being held in such vast quantities remotely, there is a risk of widespread hacking. While many large corporations are attempting to protect their data, choosing the appropriate cloud service provider can make keeping your company’s data on the cloud much safer and more affordable.

Security at Home

Sadly, the threat of cyber security issues doesn’t stop when we leave our workplace. Most companies allow their worker to operate their devices at home too. This cost-saving method enables flexible working, but it has associated risks.

Certain malware downloaded over these personal devices can risk the company’s integrity; for instance, log-in details may be compromised. 

Today all companies have various requirements, so your employees must have access to essential security awareness tools that align with the organization’s goals.

You may inform your staff about the requirements to maintain their commercial and personal information security by encouraging a culture of communication and awareness in your company regularly through end-user cybersecurity training.

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