As the baby grows you may bump into a lot of situations when you’ll need to calm down your little one. There is no other way a baby can express one’s emotions than crying. This kind of communication can be quite nerve-racking, but young parents need to understand that a baby is suffering as well. Other behavioral signs that a baby is anxious or worried may be poor sleep, some difficulties with eating, or whims. So, you definitely need to know about some ways to calm down a kid and avoid stress.
Moreover, it’s quite important for babies to learn how to cope with stress from the very beginning. Parents can show them some strategies on that topic and the child will easily pick them up later. So we’ve prepared five tips for you on how to calm an anxious infant.
Give the baby lots of physical affection
In the early ages it is very important to give the baby love he or she needs. That’s how you create a special bond between you both. You’ve definitely noticed that hugs, touches or stroking help the baby to get distracted. And it has its physiological explanation. Affectionate contact provokes the release of some busting chemicals in the brain such as oxytocin and endogenous opioids. They have a calming and even painkilling effect. As a result, the baby is pleased and calm. But, be careful about all that touches. Sometimes babies may respond negatively as they can get irritating or creepy after that. So pay attention to your little one’s preferences and notice what he or she loves and hates.
Control your baby’s food
Usually, babies become overwhelmed when they feel starving or overfed. As the baby’s digestive system is extremely sensitive you need to estimate the right portions of food and remember the right time for a baby to eat. There are several pieces of advice for mothers who breastfeed. First of all, control your own diet as all the nutrients are later transported to the child’s body. Avoid caffeine, spicy or gassy foods like onions or cabbage as it may provoke some discomfort for a baby. In addition, keep in mind that the process of breastfeeding helps the child to calm down, so you can take advantage of it as well. If you’re not able to breastfeed, find the best baby formulas for your little one. Experts claim that European organic baby formulas have high quality content, so feed your baby with them to make sure your baby gets all the best. For example, you can shop Holle and HiPP organic baby formulas at Organic’s Best.
Happy parents – happy baby
Infants from the very beginning are able to read and understand parents’ emotions. So, be sure, when you feel stressed, depressed or worried, babies will feel that. Studies found that infants are very sensitive to our emotional clues and it affects their spirits too. So you, as a conscientious adult, have to manage your own stress before getting close to the baby. If it’s difficult for you because everything goes wrong, ask for professional advice or seek social support or other remedies. Your own mental health plays an important role in your baby’s behavior.
Take you kid for a walk
Do you remember that by changing the scenery you start to feel better? The same works for babies. You can even carry your little one and walk around your apartment. Series of experiments found that infants have slower heart rates when they are held by an adult. That’s how it helps to cope with crying. Going out is an even better option, as the baby will get fresh air and hear different sounds. This activity is time-consuming, so you can use it only during tantrums.
Try to think like a baby
Yeap, it’s a challenging task, because you think like an adult. But because your baby is unable to tell you what bothers him or her, you need to make up your mind yourself. Try to understand the baby’s feelings in each situation in order to minimize stress. Let’s take an example – bath time. You’re preparing a warm bath for your little one. Think of the water temperature that will be comfortable for your baby. Don’t get him or her undressed too early as it can be freezing and it may cause irritation. So, you need to think over every possible trigger that may provoke stress. But you also need to learn from your own mistakes. If you see that something goes wrong, change your tactics and watch the baby’s reaction.